Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 6 Assessments

       However frustrated students may feel about assessments, they are a necessary part of our classrooms. We must use assessments to determine aptitude of each student. Assessments provide a great deal of feedback no matter what form they are given. Assessments measure the knowledge of each student and provide the teacher with feedback of where that student is when compared to his/her peers. Authentic testing must be accomplished to measure where a student is in an objective manner. This measurement will assist the teacher in determining the best method of instruction for that student to ensure progression. A performance assessment will give feedback about the working knowledge a student has about the given subject.
     "E-portfolios are a collection of digitized artifacts that may include video clips, graphics, sound, writing samples, artwork, and multimedia presentations" according to the text. Portfolios are geared toward a performance type assessment. They are great in that they provide constant feedback to both the student and teacher. E-portfolios allow the teacher access to view not only the final product, but often times the progression and processes used to achieve this final product. Computer-based tests are just as they sound, tests that are given and performed by using a computer. These tests are often necessary because of the large ratios of student to teachers. Any other method of testing would often not be practical because of the lengthy grading process. I do not feel that the use of computer-based tests impacts validity or reliability. The teacher must simply be aware and remember that this is an authentic type of testing in most cases so it may not be an accurate assessment of the students actual knowledge.

     Assessments are looked upon in different ways by both teachers and students. There are authentic assessments and performance assessments. These two types differ in the feedback they provide the teacher and student. Authentic assessments are more structured and provide exact feedback about the student's comprehension and recollection of a specific topic. Performance assessments are more subjective and provide feedback as to the working knowledge of the student. Both assessments take many different forms. I believe that there is a need for both types of assessments to accurately measure where a student is in comparison to his/her peers and others at the same grade level.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.



  1. I agree that both types of assessment are necessary in the classroom. As a special education major, I have found that students learn in different ways. It makes sense that different ways of assessment would be needed to be thorough. It is vital to provide different experiences within the classroom in order to find what works best for each student to better teach and assess.

  2. I agree with you that it is important to use both authentic and performance assessments. A student may be a horrible test taker, like me, but as the same time they are proficient in the skill.

  3. Hello,

    I agree with your stance on assessments. In fact, I also agree that no one assessment will measure the performance of a particular student or a classroom as a whole. Accordingly, it is necessary to have both types of assessments. On the other hand, computer based tests are exceptional when considering efficiency; however they do not always provide an accurate assessment; especially when dealing with the make-up of one's personality. What do you think?
