Saturday, November 20, 2010

WK 12 Visualizing with Technology

"Digital Storytelling" by Kate Kemker is a great idea that could benefit many aspects of the classroom. This idea allows students to use technology to elaborate on a subject. The students are learning using technology but "technology is not the focus of the activity but rather a tool used to create the story."
(Jonassen, Howland, Marra, & Crismond, 2008) Using this digital storytelling allows the studnets to be a part of many different levels and variables that go into making a project. I feel this could be used in nearly any classroom. Whether it's science, math, or english, the student can learn more through this use of technology because it forces the student to think in different ways. The student is a part of many different aspects of input that make a final product and make it well.
"Understanding equations in algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and virtually all other fields of math is aided by seeing their plots." (Jonassen, Howland, Marra, & Crismond, 2008) This statement provides direct insight into the author's feelings about visualization and the advantages it provides. Handheld scientific calculators also allow the student to enter numerical informaiton and see examples or graphs. When concepts are difficult to learn and comprehend, such as math, it can often be very helpful for the student to have the ability to visualize the concept. Graphing with the use of a calculator can accomplish this assistance very easily.
I believe there are people that have the ability to learn visually without the use of anything else. I persoanally learn more from having hands on somehting. So to answer the proposed question, yes, I feel it is possible but not as easily as if there were multiple methods to learn the new concept.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that you can learn something visually but you really don't understand it till you have done it yourself.
